Upgrading of AMP society branch office corner Customhouse Quay and Hunter Street, Wellington
This commercial building constructed in 1925, comprises a basement, ground, mezzanine and six upper floors with a small penthouse over. It has a plan area
of approximately 1400m2.
The structure consists of reinforced concrete floors supported on a riveted structural steel frame. The frame has main girders and columns arranged in the north-south direction and secondary framing at right angles, the whole being encased in reinforced concrete.
The columns spring at their bases from steel grillage foundation pads, supported directly on solid base greywacke at a depth of 3-4 m below ground level.
On the street frontages (east and south elevations) the primary frame is infilled with a system of reinforced concrete spandrels and piers all finished externally with sandstone and terra cotta facings.
On the north and west elevations the perimeter steel frames are largely infilled with solid reinforced concrete. A service core, situated centrally toward the eastern end of the building, is like constructed.
Two lightwells were provided within the site, one in the north-western corner and the other situated centrally within the building.